Yoni Steaming Herbal Blends

27 Sep, 2019

Yoni steaming herbal blends are designed to nourish, deodorize, cleanse, tone, and provide a relaxing experience. Each herb offers unique benefits and affects the body in different ways. Depending on your individual needs and desired outcomes, the choice of herbs will vary.

Herbs Commonly Used in Yoni Steams

In my yoni steam blends, I use a range of organic herbs tailored to support various phases of the menstrual cycle. I use a variety of organic herbs in my blends, commonly used herbs in my blends include:

  • Citrus: Refreshing and cleansing.
  • Mint: Invigorating and soothing.
  • Nettle: Nourishing and restorative.
  • Rose: Toning and moisturizing.
  • Lavender: Calming and relaxing.

Choosing the Right Blend

Selecting the right yoni steam herbs depends on your menstrual cycle and specific needs. I have formulated four yoni steam blends to address various menstrual cycle imbalances

Our Yoni Steaming Herbal Blends

1. Short Cycles (27 days or less): For short cycles, a gentle steam blend with strengthening herbs is essential.

  • Recommended Blend: Gentle Yoni Steam Blend MELLOW
  • Benefits: Delays periods and helps bring the cycle closer to 28 days.

2. Long Cycles (28 days or more): Long cycles require a formula that cleanses and tones.

  • Recommended Blend: Cleansing Yoni Steam Blend RESTORE
  • Benefits: Cleanses, tones, and regulates the period to 28 days.

3. Infections (Viruses or Bacteria): For infections, antiviral and antibacterial herbs are necessary.

  • Recommended Blend: Disinfecting Yoni Steam Blend CLEAR UP
  • Benefits: Draws out excessive fluids, clears bacteria, and eliminates unwanted discharge and odour.

4. Dryness, Heat, and Discomfort: This condition requires a blend that nourishes and moisturizes.

  • Recommended Blend: Cooling Yoni Steam Blend CALM
  • Benefits: Provides comfort, relaxation, and moisture.

Multiple Needs

If you fall into multiple categories, follow this rule: a short cycle must always use a gentle herbal formula. The MELLOW blend is ideal for cycles of 27 days or less.

Yoni Steaming to Promote balance

Addressing imbalances in your cycle helps promote overall reproductive health. All my blends support cleansing, nourishing, toning, and removing excessive mucus and old blood. Whether you’re looking to improve fertility, recover from surgery, or manage conditions like PCOS or endometriosis, my herbal blends can benefit you.

Need Help Choosing?

If you have trouble selecting the right blend, get in touch for personalised advice. For complex issues requiring detailed guidance, book a Yoni Steam Consultation for a full analysis and advanced steam plan.

Simple Instructions: All my blends come with a basic steam plan, including simple instructions and diagrams on how to steam safely at home.

Purchase your Yoni Steam Herbal Blend in the self-care shop and start your journey towards better reproductive health today.

In Health and Happiness,

Habibah ?

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  1. Geniva Olaniyan

    Can you advise which Essential Oils can be used in Toni Care,?

    • Habibah

      No essential oils are safe to use in yoni care tbh, they are too strong to use near the delicate tissues and may result in burns or discomfort. Stick to herbs; dried or fresh. You can find here bit.ly/yoniherbs


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