How to Get Pregnant Fast- What You Need To Know

4 Sep, 2024

How to Get Pregnant Fast: A Holistic Approach to Fertility

Getting pregnant fast can feel like you’re facing an uphill battle, but don’t lose hope! The key to conceiving quickly lies in preparation—preparing your body, mind, and womb for pregnancy. As a womb wellness coach, I have helped many women embrace their fertility journey holistically, and in this blog, I’ll share some powerful steps you can take to improve your chances of getting pregnant fast.

The Importance of Preparing for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is often viewed as a natural progression of a woman’s life, but few of us take the time to prepare our bodies for this important stage. The truth is, that preparing your womb, eggs, and overall health can significantly increase your chances of conceiving.

Your eggs take about 90 days to mature, and during that time, the choices you make directly affect their quality. The same goes for your partner’s sperm. By optimising your diet and lifestyle, you can create the best possible environment for conception to take place.

What to Avoid: The C.R.A.P. Foods

To get pregnant fast, one of the first things you need to do is assess what you’re putting into your body. I call this the C.R.A.P. test—Carbonated, Refined, Artificial, and Processed foods. Let’s break this down:

  • Carbonated drinks: These often contain caffeine, which has been linked to delayed conception. Swap your morning coffee or energy drinks for fertility-boosting smoothies packed with superfoods.
  • Refined foods: Processed grains and sugars have little nutritional value and disrupt your body’s natural processes. Choose whole grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables in their natural state.
  • Artificial ingredients: Sweeteners and flavourings may interfere with hormonal balance. Stick to natural foods that nourish your body instead of disrupting it.
  • Processed foods: Pre-packaged meals, sweets, and processed meats often contain additives and preservatives that can negatively affect your fertility and overall health. These foods can also lead to conditions like diabetes and thyroid dysfunction, both of which impact fertility.

inforgraphic about crap foods for fertility, namely carbonated, refined, artifical and processed on the blog post how to get pregnant fast

Steps to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

Don’t worry if your past eating habits haven’t been ideal. Now that you know better, you can start making changes that will benefit your fertility and overall health.

1. Cleanse and Nourish Your Body

Fertility cleanses are often marketed as a 30-day or 90-day programme, but in reality, the most effective fertility cleanse happens in stages. Here’s how to begin:

  • Stop harmful habits: Smoking, alcohol, and excessive caffeine are known fertility blockers. Reducing or eliminating them from your lifestyle will help create a fertile environment for conception.
  • Cleanse your diet: Replace processed, nutrient-poor foods with nutrient-dense whole foods. Prioritise protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and seeds. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, help balance hormones and support egg quality.

Have a look at this blog post about fertility cleansing, it is a comprehensive guide.

2. Support Your Womb with Self-Care

Your period is a window into your fertility, so ensuring a healthy menstrual cycle is key. One of the best ways to nurture your womb is through daily self-care practices like womb massage. Even just five minutes a day can:

  • Increase blood flow to your reproductive organs.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Flush out old cells and support the creation of new, healthy ones.

Other womb self-care practices include yoni steaming and castor oil packs, both of which help balance hormones, clear out toxins, and prepare your womb for pregnancy. These simple practices ensure that your womb is nourished and in optimal health for conception.

3. Stay Consistent and Committed

The hardest part of preparing for pregnancy is often staying consistent. What happens if, after 90 days of making changes, you still haven’t conceived? The key is to stay committed. This holistic approach isn’t just about getting pregnant—it’s about improving your overall wellness and supporting your body in a natural, sustainable way.

Consistency is key. By embracing these womb wellness practices as part of your lifestyle, you’re setting yourself up for success, both in terms of fertility and long-term health.

Holistic Womb Wellness Coaching

If you’re ready to take control of your fertility and embark on this holistic journey, I’m here to help. My Womb Wellness Coaching Packages are designed to guide you every step of the way. In our coaching calls, I’ll work with you to tailor a fertility plan that suits your unique needs, helping you get pregnant fast while also promoting overall womb health.

Through my coaching, you’ll learn how to:

  • Optimise your diet for fertility.
  • Incorporate womb self-care practices like massage and steaming.
  • Manage stress and hormonal imbalances.
  • Stay consistent with your fertility-boosting habits.

If this resonates with you, I’d love to chat about how I can support you on your fertility journey. Get in touch today to book your free 30-minute discovery call, or check out my coaching packages to see how I can help you achieve your goal of becoming pregnant fast.

Final Thoughts

Taking charge of your fertility is a powerful step towards becoming a mother. By making small changes in your diet, daily self-care routine, and overall lifestyle, you can significantly boost your chances of getting pregnant fast. Remember, it’s not just about the end result—it’s about creating a healthy, balanced body and womb that’s ready to welcome new life.

If you found this helpful, share it with a friend who might benefit from these insights.

In health and happiness,


If you would like holistic support on your fertility journey, book a call with me.

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