Yoni Steam Consultation

Take your womb self-care to a new level by incorporating yoni steams into your monthly habits through personalised consultations.

What is Yoni steaming?

Yoni steaming, also known as Vaginal Steaming, has been around for centuries and has a history in many cultures around the world. Every woman needs to try this, and I have yet to find someone who did not enjoy or benefit from it.

Yes, I am talking about sitting over a pot of herbal tea and letting the steam reach your vagina. There’s a bit more to it: During a consultation, I ask questions to uncover imbalances, select the appropriate herbs for you and devise an advanced steam plan and food therapy guidance. During the virtual consultation, I will guide you through the process so you can perform it safely and effectively at home.

Why Vaginal Steam?

Why not? If this natural remedy can help fix your periods, reduce cramps, alleviate endometriosis symptoms, improve your postpartum recovery, and support a healthy full-term pregnancy, then it’s definitely worth trying. Feedback from many women, including other Vaginal Steam Practitioners, supports its benefits.

herbs on wooden spoon
yoni herbs

Is vaginal steaming dangerous?

No! Not if you do it under my guidance or follow my instructions.

Claims of danger and burns do not make sense because if you sat down in a bath that was too hot, you would stand up and let it cool. Similarly, with yoni steaming, you control the temperature to avoid discomfort. As a trained vaginal steam facilitator since 2017, I make this treatment safe and accessible to women.

yoni herbs

Is vaginal steaming dangerous?

No! Not if you do it under my guidance or follow my instructions.

Claims of danger and burns do not make sense because if you sat down in a bath that was too hot, you would stand up and let it cool. Similarly, with yoni steaming, you control the temperature to avoid discomfort. As a trained vaginal steam facilitator since 2017, I make this treatment safe and accessible to women.

Should you try vaginal steaming?

Absolutely! You cannot knock something until you have tried it. Many women begin skeptical but end up loving it, often surprised by how pleasant the experience is.

The benefits of vaginal steaming are vast. On the Steamy Chick website, there’s a database of testimonials where women share how yoni steaming helped them. Many women have used vaginal steaming to recover their reproductive health.

I highly recommend this treatment to women who are trying to conceive and those who have experienced pregnancy loss. In fact, I recommend it to every woman because it provides relaxing and pampering self-care time, reduces cramps, promotes healthier cycles, and empowers you with something so simple.

dried herbs in wooden bowl
Based on 53 reviews
Jannah A (Jaz)
Jannah A (Jaz)
Very friendly helpful and great advice given. Loved the products I purchased too
Layla Hamza
Layla Hamza
Can’t recommend Habibah enough. From the first moment I met her, she welcomed me with her warm personality and friendly manner. Habibah is generous with her time and her incredible knowledge, which she is always happy to share with others through her Holistic sisters circles. Alhamdulillah, I had hijama and done by her and the results were amazing. I have less back pain and feel so much better. Highly recommend for all females!
Stargaze Beauty
Stargaze Beauty
I had several treatment with Habibah and they all work. I now have less pain in my neck with wet cupping. My steam is a amazing.. I love it. I love the room it's so relaxing, with the smell of aromatherapy.and essential oils. Habibah so know what she is doing. Very experienced and full of knowledge. Going back for more. I would truly recommend
S Patel
S Patel
Good quality product with excellent customer service provided.
May Allah reward you immensely sis! I have learnt so much from you. Not just about holistic healing but gained so much knowledge on bettering myself as an individual.
Mona Bhaimia
Mona Bhaimia
Absolutely love this place! Habibah has decorated the area with flowers and plants, giving it a lovely ambience. Habibah herself is a lovely person who knows what she is doing. She is friendly yet professional in her work and will advise what is best for you and will follow up with after care tips and self care things to do between sessions. I absolutely love habibah and sad to see her go!
Cinderfiza x
Cinderfiza x
Habibah where were you all my life! Shes amazing at what she does and she really genuinely cares about you. She will help you achieve your goal whatever it takes. Shes helped me in so many different ways I cannot express how much hope she has given me xxx thank you
Nydia Gregory
Nydia Gregory
Alhamdulillah after many years of suffering with irregular cycles I came across habibah and Alhamdulillah I had my consultation and she made me an advance plan and although it is early days, since beginning my plan I already feel things are improving and I am so grateful for all her help and support. I would recommend her to every woman out there ! May Allah bless habibah and her business ! ♡

Frequently Asked Questions

What herbs do I need?

This depends on the imbalances highlighted in your current cycle, check out the descriptions of the 4 formulas here

How often should I steam?

Consistency is key. If you have an issue you want to address with yoni steaming, it is best to book a consultation for an advanced steam plan. For maintenance steams, follow the advice on the package.

Do I need special equipment?

You need a designated steam bowl or pan. To make it easier for you, you can purchase one of our wooden stools

The Prophet peace be upon him said:

“There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its remedy.”

My Services


Womb Massage

Every woman can have pain free periods, and I can show you.



Day to day work, family, and home balance can leave us stressed and needing to unwind, massage is perfect to iron out the creases and offer relaxation bliss.


Hijama Therapy

The perfect detox and relaxation session, this ancient therapy is amazing for pain management and balancing the body systems.


Treatments available from a qualified holistic therapist

Ready to Book Your Consultation?

Have a look at my schedule to book your session.