
My Blog

I share some insights into holistic wellness here

Benefits of Castor Oil Packs for Womb Health

Benefits of Castor Oil Packs for Womb Health

 Benefits of Castor oil Castor oil has many therapeutic properties and has been used for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt as a remedy for many ailments. Extremely rich in ricinoleic acid, a monosaturated fatty acid, its a thick oil pressed from the...

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Healthy fizzy drinks

Healthy fizzy drinks

Kombucha is a refreshing drink made by fermenting tea, it is a natural probiotic drink packed with healthy bacterial enzymes for gut health and overall health. The taste is slightly acidic with a refreshing sparkle to it, ginger-flavoured is similar to a ginger beer....

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Benefits of Nettle Tea

Benefits of Nettle Tea

I remember when I was young I was often playing in fields and would be stung by stinging nettles, I would look for a dot leaf and rub it into the sting, I think this must have been a placebo effect as not sure that scientifically works. Don't ask me what is a dot leaf...

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What is yoni steaming?

What is yoni steaming?

Yoni steaming is a traditional way to care for your womb space. There are historical records of vaginal steaming all over the world. Even in the UK, it was called fumigation! If you are experiencing painful, crampy periods, vaginal dryness or have a diagnosed...

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Charcoal for health

Charcoal for health

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL has long been used as an antidote in history. My mom told me it was used in hospitals as a poisoning treatment. Recently it is gaining popularity and I have noticed it in body care products including toothpaste, soaps, and face masks. So what is it?...

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