Benefits of Womb Massage

Benefits of Womb Massage

If you're trying to conceive, or just want to support your reproductive health, consider womb massage because there are many benefits. This practice has been used for centuries to promote fertility, ease menstrual pain, and support overall reproductive health.  ...

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Castor oil packs help with constipation

Castor oil packs help with constipation

No, you do not need to drink it! Castor oil has been used for centuries to improve skin, hair and body. I highly recommend the use of castor oil packs, not only for womb health, but also because they are excellent for digestive health and liver support. I still use...

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What to do about heavy bleeding

What to do about heavy bleeding

Here is what you can do about heavy bleeding, and also some pointers as to why you may have heavy bleeding.  There was a time when I was experiencing heavy bleeding, I went to the doctors many times, but as you may well be aware the doctor gives us 2 choices; take...

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Benefits of Castor Oil Packs for Womb Health

Benefits of Castor Oil Packs for Womb Health

 Benefits of Castor oil Castor oil has many therapeutic properties and has been used for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt as a remedy for many ailments. Extremely rich in ricinoleic acid, a monosaturated fatty acid, its a thick oil pressed from the...

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Benefits of Nettle Tea

Benefits of Nettle Tea

I remember when I was young I was often playing in fields and would be stung by stinging nettles, I would look for a dot leaf and rub it into the sting, I think this must have been a placebo effect as not sure that scientifically works. Don't ask me what is a dot leaf...

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What is yoni steaming?

What is yoni steaming?

Yoni steaming is a traditional way to care for your womb space. There are historical records of vaginal steaming all over the world. Even in the UK, it was called fumigation! If you are experiencing painful, crampy periods, vaginal dryness or have a diagnosed...

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